A S7 TB VV Crystal Frame 203 MLC
B S2 TB VV Crystal Display 28032019 087 16 Bit MLC
D S3 TB VV Copper Sulphate 339 Larimar Pectolite copy GRID
E S4 TB VV Copper Sulphate 360 copy
F S12 TB VV Crystal Frame 274
U S4 TB VV Copper Sulphate 395 copy
H S11 TB VV Crystal Frame 269 MLC
I S2 TB VV Crystal Frame 127 MLC
J S3 TB VV Copper Sulphate 231 Jade copy GRID
K S3 TB VV Copper Sulphate 293 Apophylite Stilbite copy GRID
L S4 TB VV Copper Sulphate 432 Alpine Glaciation copy
M S3 TB VV Copper Sulphate 188 Labradorite copy FINE GRID
N S8 TB VV Crystal Frame 230 MLC
O S2 TB VV Crystals Prep 27032019 136
P S4 TB VV Crystals Prep 27032019 196
Q S6 TB VV Crystal Frame 187 MLC
R S3 TB VV Copper Sulphate 311 Amethyst Quartz copy FINE GRID
G S4 TB VV Copper Sulphate 377 copy
T S1 TB VV Crystals Prep 27032019 094 Base MLC
V S10 TB VV Crystal Frame 256 MLC

Blue Vitriol

Giclee prints that describe the texture so that it virtually rubs off on your fingers

Spiritual Topographical Physical

All the objects originate from the guts of the Earth. They feature at opposing points on the spectrum of human activity; teaching, learning, spirituality, beauty and control. Landform models, healing crystals and Copper Sulphate are bonded to create crossovers in an attempt to re-unify.